Does the ??? Rathian Tracks Have to Be High Rank

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Source: Windows Central / Capcom

In Monster Hunter Rise, you are tasked with defending the peaceful Kamura Village from being destroyed by a horde of monsters stirred into a frenzy by a mysterious phenomenon called The Rampage. These monsters range from Elder Dragons that can destroy entire villages in a single night to monsters inspired by Japanese and European mythology.

If you hope to save Kamura Village and beyond, you must learn about the monsters you will be pitted against. So, we have compiled a list of all the monsters you will encounter in Monster Hunter Rise. This list will contain what type of monster they are, their unique abilities, and provide a few tips on how to deal with them.

Fanged Wyverns

Fanged Wyverns are four-legged monsters whose characteristics are akin to that of a dog or a lizard. These creatures are often the fastest type of monster to deal with, and they use that speed to disorientate and attack their prey's blind spots.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Magnamalo Source: Capcom

The Magnamalo is the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Rise and is regarded as one of the most powerful Fanged Wyverns ever seen. This massive, intimidating tiger-like monster has incredible strength and is covered head to paw in blades which it uses to slash its enemies.

But Magnamalo's most dangerous weapon is its ability to produce and control an explosive gas from its body. Magnamalo can fire this gas as small projectiles, smother the area with large clouds to blow up multiple targets, or even use the gas on itself to launch forward like a rocket.

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Magnamalo Source: Windows Central / Capcom

If a player gets hit by this gas, not only will it be lethal, it will also inflict the Hellfireblight status effect. This status effect will cause the victim to explode if they get hit or don't get rid of it in a short period of time. You can use an evasive Wirebug move or use Deodorant to get rid of it.

Magnamalo's power is indeed terrifying, however, it can be used against him. If you can extinguish explosive gas by attacking the spots where it starts seeping out of Magnamalo's body, you will topple him. This will create an opening where you can deal massive damage to the oversized tiger. Also, if you use a Wirebug move to remove the Hellfireblight, it will leave a small plume of flame on the ground, which will trip Magnamalo if it steps on it.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Zinogre Source: Capcom

Zinogre is a wolf-like Fanged Wyvern which uses Thunder elemental attacks to shock its prey into submission. It generates electricity by absorbing it from small insects called Thunderbugs. This process takes a long time to complete, but once it is fully charged, all of Zinogre's attacks will obtain the Thunder element and inflict the Thunderblight status effect.

Thunderblight increases the chances of a player getting stunned, and if that happens, Zinogre will crush you with its giant tail and claws. You will need to eat Nulberries to cure yourself of Thunderblight.

Word of warning: Do not use Shock Traps on a Zinogre. As Shock Traps are crafted from using Thunderbugs, they will cause the Zinogre to reach its electrified state instantly without needing to charge up. To knock Zinogre out of its electrified form, you will need to topple him by attacking his electrified areas, just like Magnamalo's explosive gas.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Tobi Kadachi Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Tobi-Kadachi is an electrical, Fanged Wyvern that looks like a crossbreed between a lizard and a flying squirrel. It is a highly agile critter and runs circles around its enemies to bite them or smack them with its giant bushy tail. When threatened, the Tobi-Kadachi will fly to a climbable surface area and rub its body against it to generate static electricity in its fur to augment its attacks with the Thunder element and induce Thunderblight.

You will need Nulberries to counteract the Thunder Blight. While Tobi-Kadachi is taking flight, you can use a Flash Bomb to blind him and be forced to make a crash landing.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Jagras Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Jagras are the weakest of the Fanged Wyverns that form packs to make up for their lack of individual strength. These yellow-bellied cowards will only attack prey they consider weaker than themselves and will run at the first sight of potential danger.

The only time Jagras are considered a threat is when a Great Jagras is leading them. However, since Great Jagras are not present in Monster Hunter Rise (yet), you will have nothing to fear from these scavengers.

Flying Wyverns

Flying Wyverns are the most iconic and frequently sighted type of monster you will find in the world of Monster Hunter. These winged devils come in all manner of shapes and claw sizes. Some Flying Wyverns will pick off their prey from the air with projectiles or aerial divebombs. Whereas other Flying Wyverns will stay rooted to the ground and use their wings to travel faster on land or use them as weapons.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Rathalos Source: Capcom

No Monster Hunter game would be complete without the series mascot monster, Rathalos. Since its debut in the original Monster Hunter back in 2004, Rathalos has preyed upon hunters worldwide with his earth-shattering roar and scorching fireballs.

In Monster Hunter Rise, Rathalos is now faster and deadlier than ever. He frequently flies over his prey to constantly pelt them with fireballs and slash them with his poison claws. If you get hit by those claws, you will be infected with the poison status effect, slowly draining your health away. And if you get hit by the fireballs, you will be inflicted with Fireblight which also drains your health. The worst part is that both of these status effects can stack, so if you get both, you can kiss your health bar goodbye.

If you hope to survive the wrath of Rathalos, you best pack in Antidotes and Nulberries to cure poison and Fireblight, respectively. To stop Rathalos' aerial assault, you can use Flash Bombs to blind him and send him crashing back to the ground. However, don't get complacent once Rathalos is on the floor, he is still a force to be reckoned with and will try to get airborne again as soon as possible. This monster is dubbed the "King of the Skies" for a reason, and Rathalos will not be denied his home field advantage.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Rathian Source: Capcom

The Rathian is a female version of Rathalos who, in contrast to the "King of the Skies," is dubbed the "Queen of the Land" for her vicious ground-based poison attacks. Rathian is capable of flight but prefers to hunt her prey on the ground. Rathian's poison can be found in her spiked tail, which she uses as a flail. In addition, Rathian can also breathe fireballs like Rathalos and inflict the Fireblight status effect.

Like Rathalos, make sure to pack in Antidotes and Nulberries to fend off Rathian's status effects. Also, if you can cut off Rathian's tail, you can shorten the range of her tail sweep attacks. Beware that the tail can still inflict poison if you get hit by it due to the leaking poison coming out of the amputated limb.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Khezu Source: Capcom

Out of all the monsters within the Monster Hunter franchise, the Khezu is by far one of the creepiest and most disturbing of them all. This living, breathing nightmare spends most of its life in caves, only emerging to hunt for meat when it's hungry. Since Khezu doesn't have any eyes, it relies on its sense of smell to track its prey. Once Khezu has cornered its prey or is attacked, it will let out an ear-piercing scream that will haunt your dreams for days.

Khezu attacks its prey by generating electricity around its body and hurling itself at enemies to crush them under its weight and inflicting them with Thunderblight. If an enemy is far away, Khezu will elongate its neck to bite them or shoot balls of lightning at them. If you get hit by the lightning balls, you will be inflicted with paralysis. This status effect will prevent you from taking any actions and leave you on the ground writhing on in agony.

There is no cure for paralysis other than getting hit by a team member or equipping armor skills that prevent paralysis. Also, since Khezu likes to scream a lot, you will often get immobilized by it as you try to cover your ears to block the auditory assault. To counter this, you can block the roar with shields, dodge it using the I-Frames of evasive Silkbinds moves and dodge rolls, or equip the Earplugs armor skill to negate the roar.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Tigrex Source: Capcom

The Tigrex is a bloodthirsty Flying Wyvern that looks like a mixture between a tiger and tyrannosaurus rex. This viscious wyvern will pursue its prey until their neck is locked within Tigrex's massive jaws. Tigrex also attacks its target with tail swipes, tossing boulders with its forearms, and roaring so loud it feels like a miniature sonic boom.

When Tigrex gets angry, its blood will start to boil to the point where you can see its veins glowing red hot. During this state, Tigrex is faster, more aggressive, and can deal way more damage. One way of dealing with a Tigrex is by blinding it with a Flash Bomb which will halt Tigrex in its tracks as it tries to figure out what to do. Use this opening to attack Tigrex or heal yourself and repair your weapon.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Nargacuga Source: Capcom

Nargacuga is a swift and agile Flying Wyvern that stalks its prey from the shadows before leaping out to slice them with its bladed wings. In combat, Nargacuga will use its speed to jump around the area to attack its enemy from behind. Nargacuga can also crush enemies with its tail and fire sharp spiked feathers out to attack enemies from afar.

Once Nargacuga becomes enraged, the red patches around its eyes will glow, and its speed will increase drastically. The best way to deal with Nargacuga is to cripple its mobility by getting it exhausted or laying down traps to hold it down.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Barioth Source: Capcom

Barioth is a Flying Wyvern that prowls arctic climates to pounce on isolated prey. Many veteran hunters dread to fight this monster because it combines the speed of a Nargacuga with the strength and aggression of a Tigrex. Barioth also has its own tricks up its paws, such as spitting out small tornadoes that force its prey on the back foot with wind pressure.

Barioth can be arduous to hunt; however, this monster has a significant weakness that you can exploit. Its paws have naturally built-in cleats, which keep Barioth's movement stable when running on icy surfaces. If you can break those cleats, you can cause Barioth to fall over for a few seconds and slow down its charge attacks to give you time to dodge out of the way.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Basarios Source: Capcom

While hunting, if you see a boulder start to shake and move, chances are you have found a Basarios. This Flying Wyvern's scales have grown so thick and massive that unknowing hunters have mistaken it for a rock. Basarios is aware of its conspicuous appearance and uses it to camouflage itself against rocky terrain to avoid predators and catch prey off guard.

When Basarios has been discovered, it will attack using its rocky mass to body slam enemies. It can also secrete gases from its body which either poisons enemies, puts them to sleep, or sets them on fire. When Basarios becomes enraged, the glands that produce its fire gas attacks will cause Basarios' body to overheat and grant it the ability to fire concentrated beams of fire from its mouth.

Fighting a Basarios can be difficult at first due to its rocky hide blocking even the sharpest weapons. However, items and weapons which ignore a monster's natural defenses, such as Barrel Bombs or a Gunlance's shelling attacks, can break apart Basarios' hide to expose its weak points. In addition, during Basarios' enraged state, its body will get so hot that its hide will become soft, allowing you to strike while the iron (or rock in this case) is hot.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Diablos Source: Capcom

When it comes to desert-themed monsters, none inspires terror more than the infamous "Tyrant of the Desert," Diablos. This dual-horned Flying Wyvern does not take kindly to any creature wandering into its territory, even its own kind. It will attack without provocation and will not rest until all intruders are dead.

Diablos' primary method of attack is by charging towards its enemy to impale them on their gigantic horns and smashing them with its club-like tail. It can also tunnel underground to dig underneath a hunter's feet to gore them from below.

However, you can stop this attack before it happens by throwing a Sonic Bomb while Diablos is tunneling underground. The ear-splitting sound will cause Diablos to panic and erupt prematurely, getting stuck in the ground. During this time, Diablos is unable to retaliate and is vulnerable to attack for a few seconds.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Bazelgeuse Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Recently, a new monster has quickly made a name for itself as one of the most feared Flying Wyverns. This is Bazelgeuse, a giant Flying Wyvern that can convert its scales into explosive bombs. In combat, Bazelgeuse will let out a loud roar and take to the skies to litter the battlefield with its explosive scales. These bombs will detonate after a few seconds, so you can get away quickly if you wish to avoid being blown to kingdom come.

Bazelgeuse's explosive scales also drop randomly from its body while on the ground, meaning you will need to be mindful of your position when fighting this gigantic Flying Wyvern. Even if you're not aiming to hunt Bazelgeuse, you should be prepared to fight one just in case. Whenever a fight breaks out between monsters and hunters, it will make a beeline straight for the commotion and join in the chaos. If Bazeulgeuse rudely interrupts a battle, use a Dung Pod or mount it using the Wyvern Riding mechanic to drive it away.

Bird Wyverns

Bird Wyverns are the second most sighted type of monster after Flying Wyverns. They possess characteristics found in real-life birds and pre-historic velociraptors. Most Bird Wyverns are weak on their own, so they form packs to compensate. The few Birds Wyverns that are strong enough to fight alone are not to be taken lightly, even if they rank low on the food chain.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Aknosom Source: Capcom

Aknosom is a territorial Bird Wyvern that will intimidate intruders with a loud shriek and flaunting its strange head-crest design, which resembles a demonic eye. When threatened, it will attack using its wings and talons in a fashion like a martial artist. Aknosom can also fly and pelt its opponents from a distance by spitting fireballs.

Take care when Aknosom gets enraged; it will abandon its graceful fighting style for a more barbaric approach. It will charge and use the giant frills on its head as a battering ram. Aknosom will also try to use its beak to hit you so hard; you will be pinned to the ground. If you get pinned, use a Wirebug Dash to escape before Aknosom finishes you off.

Great Izuchi

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Great Izuchi Source: Capcom

The Great Izuchi and regular Izuchi are opportunistic Bird Wyverns that inspired by Kamaitachi, a weasel-like yōkai (creatures from Japanese folklore), that preys upon weak or vulnerable creatures using claws shaped like sickles. Unlike other Bird Wyvern packs, which seek to overwhelm their target with sheer numbers, the Izuchi pack fight using proper teamwork. The Great Izuchi will command the regular Izuchi to perform choreographed attacks using their sickle-shaped tails and claws to slash their prey to ribbons.

If you wish to have an easier time hunting the Great Izuchi, you will need to out its teammates to even the playing field. When the Great Izuchi is alone, it will desperately try to murder you using its sharp talons and sickle tail. It will also try to spit what looks to be big chunks of rock and dirt at you, damaging both your health and your pride. When it feels threatened, the Great Izuchi will try to call for new regular Izuchi to replace the dead ones.

Great Wroggi

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Great Wroggi Source: Capcom

The Great Wroggi is a reptilian Bird Wyvern that hunts its prey using poison attacks. It will spit globs of poisonous saliva or breathe out clouds of toxic gas. When it becomes enraged, the dewlap sacs within its neck will expand, and the Great Wroggi will call forth a pack of smaller Wroggi to swarm their prey.

Packing Antidotes and armor skills which prevent poison are essential when hunting a Great Wroggi. When the smaller Wroggi show up, make sure to take them out to reduce the numbers advantage and give yourself some breathing room.

Great Baggi

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Great Baggi Source: Capcom

The Great Baggi is an arctic-based Bird Wyvern that shares some traits with the Great Wroggi. They both attack their prey using status effects and summoning minions to their side. However, the most significant difference between the two Bird Wyverns is that the Great Baggi's spit will cause the Sleep status effect instead of poison. When this happens, you will struggle to stay awake before losing consciousness completely. During this time, you are completely helpless and cannot take any action until you wake up naturally or by force.

To prevent falling asleep, you can drink an Energy Drink while you're feeling drowsy or equip armor skills that prevent the Sleep status effect. Otherwise, the same strategy for Great Wroggi and Great Izuchi applies — thin the herd, kill the leader last.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Pukei Pukei Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Pukei-Pukei is a poison-based Bird Wyvern with an appearance similar to that of a chameleon. It is a docile animal which only attacks other creatures when it is provoked. The Pukei-Pukei's attacks consist of tail swipes, body slams, and spitting globs of poison.

When the Pukei-Pukei becomes enraged, the feathers on its body will change color from green to red. The Pukei-Pukei will then find a plant to consume, and whatever it eats will change the properties of its attacks. Some plants will grant it the ability to fire giant clouds of poison from its tail or harden its poison spit to the point where it can instantly stun you.

When you get stunned, you will be unable to take any action until you get hit, or you snap out of it by mashing buttons on the controller and strangling your analog stick. To prevent being Stunned, you can equip armor skills that prevent the status.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Kulu Ya Ku Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Kulu-Ya-Ku is a thieving Bird Wyvern that steals monster eggs when it's hungry or trinkets from a hunter's campsite to decorate its nest. When this Bird Wyvern has been caught red-handed, it will try to fight back to protect its ill-gotten gains. Kulu-Ya-Ku will attack by pecking at its opponents, slashing them with its talons, or jumping on top of them.

When Kulu-Ya-Ku is backed into a corner, it will dig a hole, find a stone or a discarded pot and use it as a weapon. Kulu-Ya-Ku's makeshift weapon not only deals a surprising amount of damage but can instantly stun you if you get hit as well. It also acts as a shield protecting the Bird Wyvern from most melee weapons, causing them to bounce off.

You can cause Kulu-Ya-Ku to drop its weapon by blinding it with a Flash Bomb or causing it to fall over with a trip or KO.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Gargwa Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Gargwa is the most peaceful and harmless of all Bird Wyverns. These creatures usually spend their days grazing on grass and wandering through forests. The Gargwa are sometimes used as livestock or carrying around carriages in towns and villages.

If a predator is nearby, it will flee at the first sign of danger since it has no means to defend itself. When slain, a Gargwa will sometimes drop an egg which is worth a lot of Zenny if you can carry it back to your home camp. Do note that monster eggs are extremely heavy. You will need to equip armor skills that increase your movement speed while carrying an egg and use your Wirebug's dash ability to take it back to base before another monster causes you to drop it.

Jaggia and Jaggi

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Jaggi Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Jaggia and Jaggi are akin to Jagras in that they are considered the weakest of the carnivorous Bird Wyverns. Like most Bird Wyverns, the Jaggi and Jaggia form packs to make up for their lacking in strength with an alpha monster leading them, in this case, a Great Jaggi. However, Great Jaggi have not been sighted as of yet in Monster Hunter Rise, so they have been forced to hide and scavenge for corpses left behind by bigger monsters.


Lynians are small humanoids that are just as intelligent as humans. These cute critters form small tribes out in the wild and can help or attack hunters depending on how they're being treated.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Felynes Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Felynes are the most common form of Lynian and are the Monster Hunter series' mascot alongside Rathalos. Some Felynes live out in the wilderness living on the land, while others have integrated into human settlements. These city-based Felynes help out society as laborers, chefs, farmers, fishers, and most famously as Palicos. Palicos assist a hunter during a hunt by placing traps and using healing gadgets.

If you decide to attack wild Palico, they'll drop a Paw Print or a Round Acorn upon defeat.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Melynx Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Melynxes are distant cousins of Felynes that primarily reside in the woods. Unlike Felynes, who like to help people out, most Melynxes are out for themselves and rob anybody they encounter, including hunters. If you get mugged by a Melynx, they have a chance of stealing any item from your inventory, whether it's a regular Potion or a Max Potion.

To get your items back, you will have to fight the Melynx until it drops it. If it manages to get away, you will need to find the Melynx's hideout and search through their stash to retrieve your stolen goods.


Fish monsters in the world of Monster Hunter are almost identical to real-life fish, except most of them are twice the size of a person and more lethal.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Gajau Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Gajau are giant catfish that reside in rivers and marshes. These huge fish are highly territorial monsters and will attack anything that stumbles into their hunting grounds, including both hunters and Flying Wyverns.

Gajau will leap out of the water to ram their bodies into their enemies and attempt to bite their heads off with their giant mouths.


Herbivores are often peaceful monsters who don't pose much danger to hunters. However, some herbivores are territorial and will fight to defend themselves and their herd if provoked.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Kelbi Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Kelbi are deer-like Herbivores that gallop across grassy areas and spend their days grazing on plants. Most Kelbi will flee when a predator is nearby, but a Kelbi with horns will try to defend itself.

After defeating a Kelbi, they have a chance to drop their horns when you are carving their body. These horns can be used to craft Ancient Potions, which heal a hunter's health and stamina up to full capacity in a single bite. However, be sure to carve a Kelbi quickly because most of the time, a Kelbi plays dead to fool its aggressor and will flee the moment its back is turned.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Anteka Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Anteka are tundra-based herbivores that are like Kelbi but with traits akin to a moose more than a deer. Anteka are more willing to fight back against predators due to their bigger frame and more intimidating horns which they use as battering rams.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Popo Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Popos are gentle giants that resemble woolly mammoths. They reside in snowy regions and graze on little plants found in such climates. These Herbivores flee at the first sign of trouble. However, if they spot one of their young in peril, they will stay behind to defend them. Like Gargwa, Popos are used as livestock and beasts of burden to transport supplies and goods across towns.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Kestodon Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Kestodon are Herbivores that resemble the pre-historic Pachycephalosaurus dinosaur due to their rock-hard heads. These creatures reside in desert regions and feast on sparse grass, plants, and even cacti. When another monster or a person wanders into their territory, they will attempt to drive them away by headbutting them.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Rhenoplos Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Rhenoplos are Herbivores that look like triceratops because they walk on all fours and feature a hardened skull with horns attached. Just like the Kestodon, they don't like other creatures invading their personal space and will attack by charging into them.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Slagtoth Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Slagtoth are large herbivores that roam marshlands and grasslands to eat plants and fruit. These Herbivores are territorial and will attempt to body slam any creature who tries to attack them. Unfortunately for Slagtoth, they're so slow and cumbersome that any predator worth their claws will slay them before the Slagtoth gets a single hit in.


Amphibians are a rare breed of monster usually found in aquatic biomes. These monsters have body types reminiscent of real-life amphibians, such as frogs. Amphibian monsters are somewhat slow, but they make for their lacking agility with incredible strength and durability.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Tetranadon Source: Capcom

The Tetranadon is a large Amphibian monster that looks like it is inspired by the Kappa, an amphibious yōkai that drags human prey into riverbeds to drown them and eat their organs. This horrific crossbreed between a platypus, frog, and a turtle lumbers its way through the wilderness in search of smaller animals and consumes them whole. Tetranadon attacks its prey by spitting large blobs of saliva, which inflict the Waterblight status effect. While under the effects of Waterblight, your stamina's recovery speed will dramatically decrease, thus limiting the usage of your evasive actions. You can cure yourself of Waterblight by eating a Nulberry.

While Waterblight slows down its prey, the Tetranadon will slap them with its paws and throw them across the area like a sumo wrestler. When Tetranadon gets enraged, it will consume random chunks of dirt and rocks to bloat its stomach size. During this state, Tetranadon's strength increases to the point where it can stomp on the ground to cause small earthquakes and toss rocks the size of a car as projectiles.

To get Tetranadon out of this form, you will need to topple it by breaking its feet or knock it out using blunt-based weapons like Hammers or Hunting Horns. When it's knocked over, Tetranadon will vomit out all of the contents from its stomach and return to normal.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Zamite Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Zamites can best be described as sharks with legs. They are meat-eating Amphibians that live in harsh arctic wastelands and will attack any creature in sight if they're hungry. They attack by biting into their prey and never letting go of their grip until they're forced off.

If a Zamite manages to live long enough, it will eventually grow up to become a Zamtrios. A massive shark-like Amphibian that can encase its body in ice and shoot beams of ice towards its prey.

Piscine Wyverns

The Piscine Wyverns are monsters that have adapted to live in aquatic ecosystems. They can also walk on land but prefer to hunt their prey while submerged in water to gain the upper hand. Piscine Wyverns are the bane of most hunters' careers, for they primarily fight at long range and specialize in using status effects that cripple a hunter's movement.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Jyuratodus Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Jyuratodus is a large Piscine Wyvern that resides in swamps and marshes. Jyuratodus stalks its prey by swimming along the riverbeds and leaping out of the water when its next meal least expects it. The Jyuratodus attacks its enemies by ramming them with its hips, smacking them with its tail, and body-slamming them.

To protect itself from attacks, Jyuratodus covers itself in thick layers of mud to soften blows. It can also fling this mud at enemies, which inflicts Waterblight and restricts their movement. Like with Basarios' rocky hide, you can use Barrel Bombs or Gunlance shelling attacks to blast through Jyuratodus' mud armor to damage it.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Delex Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Delex are Piscine Wyverns that have adapted to swim in the sands of desert regions. These monsters travel in schools to scavenge off corpses of larger monsters who have recently been killed and left to rot.

Delex can be tricky to hunt since they stay submerged most of the time, only emerging to make hit and run attacks before going underground again. You can fish these monsters out of the desert by using a Sonic Bomb to launch them into the air. They'll then flounder helplessly for a few seconds, giving you ample time to slay them.

Brute Wyverns

The Brute Wyverns are a formidable breed of monsters with the body structure and strength of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. As their name suggests, Brute Wyverns rely on brute force to hunt their prey with reckless abandon.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Anjanath Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Anjanath is the perfect example of what a Brute Wyvern is. A large, towering dinosaur that can chomp its prey in half and crush them underfoot with its claws. In addition, Anjanath can spew fire out of its nostrils and mouth to roast its enemies.

When Anjanath gets enraged, dorsal fins will sprout from its back, and fire will start building up in its throat. During this state, Anjanath's strength increases tenfold, and the fire it breathes can scorch the earth. However, if you can rupture the fire built up in its throat by attacking it, you can cause an explosion inside Anjanath's mouth and topple him over for a few seconds.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Barroth Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Barroths are desert-dwelling Brute Wyverns that routinely cover themselves in mud to keep themselves cool in the heat. They are also territorial monsters that will attack any creature walking within their peripheral vision. Barroth attack their enemies by ramming into them using their crown-shaped skulls and flinging the mud on their bodies as projectiles just like Jyuratodus.

Barroth's crown is sturdy and requires using a blunt weapon to break it apart. When Barroth flings the mud off its body, its weak spots such as its underbelly and hands will be exposed to attack.


Leviathans are giant quadruped lizards that have adapted to live in watery or volcanic conditions. They are similar in frame to Komodo dragons or crocodiles but are thrice as deadly.

Royal Ludroth

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Royal Ludroth Source: Capcom

The Royal Ludroth is a water-based Leviathan whose main distinguishing feature is its spongy mane. This mane helps keep Royal Ludroth hydrated while walking on land by absorbing water into it. It can also be used as armor to protect the Royal Ludroth from predators. However, the mane's durability has its limits, and when it is broken, it will cause the Royal Ludroth to fall over.

When Royal Ludroth hunts for meat, it will attack its prey by clawing at them, rolling over them, and spitting mucus which causes Waterblight. It can even expel all the water stored in its mane to launch itself at enemies like a hydro-powered rocket.

Occasionally, a Royal Ludroth can be seen with smaller, regular Ludroth. These young ones aren't as dangerous as their alpha leader but can cause a problem if they decide to team up on you. Thankfully, a pack of Ludroth aren't as coordinated or relentless as a pack of Izuchi or Wroggi/Baggi.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Uroktor Source: Windows Central /Capcom

Uroktor is a fire-based Leviathan that swims in the lava of active volcanoes. They sneak up on their prey by tunneling underground and emerging underneath their feet to bite them. They can also spit small fireballs that cause Fireblight.

If an Uroktor manages to survive long enough, it can grow into a Agnaktor. A massive Leviathan is capable of firing heat lasers from its mouth and covers in molten rock for protection.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Somnacanth Source: Capcom

At night, if you hear what sounds to be a woman singing an eerie song, don't be fooled. Chances are that that singing belongs to a Somnacanth, a fast and vicious Leviathan whose characteristics have been mistaken for a siren or a mermaid.

This monster leaps at its prey with break-neck speed to slice them with its sharp claws or smack them with its massive head frills. The Somnacanth's most life-threatening weapon is its ability to breathe sleeping powder on its prey to render them unconscious. Somnacanth also has a couple of secret weapons in the form of clams, which, when cracked open, can either heal the Somnacanth or blind its enemies with a flash of light.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Mizutsune Source: Capcom

Mizutsune is a beautiful, fox-like Leviathan that uses water attacks to debilitate its foes. In addition to breathing water-beams which inflict Waterblight, Mizutsune has a unique status effect it inflicts called Bubbleblight by splashing its prey with bubbles. Bubbleblight status causes those afflicted to lose control of their footing due to their bodies being completely covered in slippery soap. To get rid of this status effect, you will need to use a Cleaner to clean it off.

Mizutsune also covers itself in these bubbles to improve its mobility. It can slip and slide across the battlefield to bite hunters in the face or crush them to death using its giant tail.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Almudron Source: Capcom

Almudron is a solitary monster, preferring to spend its life in isolation like a hermit. However, the Rampage has caused this creature to come out of hiding and attack any creature that disturbs its solitude. This dog-like leviathan is inspired by the Dorotabō yōkai, a mud-spirit that haunts negligent rice farmers who have to care for their land.

In stark contrast to Mizutsune, which uses fast and precise water attacks, Almudron smothers its foes with overwhelming tidal waves of mud. It accomplishes this by producing an acidic substance from its tail and using it to melt the ground, splashing it everywhere like a paintbrush. Almudron can also manipulate the mud to harden around its tail and use it like a giant club. It can even erect giant towers of sludge beneath its enemy's feet to launch them into the air.

Fanged Beasts

Fanged Beasts are pure mammal monsters with bodies that may remind you of pigs, monkeys, bears, and even elephants. Most Fanged Beasts are smaller than the other monster types, but they compensate for their size with agility and exceptional strength.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Rajang Source: Capcom

Few monsters in this world can rival the power of Elder Dragons, and one of those rare monsters is the Rajang. This raging beast is regarded as one of the most brutal monsters to hunt in the whole franchise, and with good reason. Rajang is so strong it can toss a Rathalos around like a toy and knock out Elder Dragons with a single punch.

Rajang can also generate electricity from its body to spit lightning balls or shoot laser beams from its mouth, which inflict Thunderblight. If that isn't scary enough, Rajang has TWO enraged states — One where his fur turns golden, and the second is when the muscles on its forearms become so hard that melee weapons will bounce off them. Both forms increase Rajang's strength so much that it can knock out even the most heavily armored hunter in one punch.

To get the Rajang out of this state, you will need to put it to sleep or break its tail to cause a chain reaction that deactivates Rajang's golden form.

Goss Harag

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Goss Harag Source: Capcom

Goss Harag is a gargantuan Fanged Beast that looks like a Namehage, a Japanese Oni (demon), that frightens and scolds children who are misbehaving or being lazy. The Goss Harag prowls the frigid wasteland of the Frost Islands in search of victims to sink its teeth into. It possesses enough strength to rip apart the ground with its bare hands and stand up against large monsters like Rathalos and Tigrex.

Goss Harag can also fire icy blasts from its mouth to inflict its foes with Iceblight. The Iceblight status effect doubles the amount of stamina lost when using evasive actions like dodging or sprinting, causing the victim to be quickly exhausted. Iceblight can be used by eating a Nulberry.

Goss Harag doesn't just use its ice breath for attacks. It breathes on its arms until they're covered in so much ice, they form into jagged blades. This is when Goss Harag is at its deadliest because these ice blades can slice through almost anything. And when Goss Harag gets enraged, it will freeze both arms to dual-wield two ice blades to carve you up like a freshly cooked Popo. If you can break these ice blades, you can cause Goss Harag to fall over and be vulnerable for a short time.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Bishaten Source: Capcom

The Bishaten is a flying monkey Fanged Beast which has visual aethestics inspired by the Tengu yōkai. Tengu are a bird-like humanoids yōkai which once feared as harbingers of war but in modern times are considered divine protectors of forests. Bishaten on the the other is neither a protector nor a harbinger, it is a trickster that likes to pull pranks on monsters and hunters. These pranks involve taking fruit out of its belly pouch and tossing them at victims to inflict various status effects such as poison or being stunned.

When it's no longer amused, Bishaten will become enraged and start to use acrobatics to attack its foes. It can fly to perform corkscrew divebombs and punch enemies with its winged forearms. Bishaten can also use its tail as a club or as a stilt to stay out of melee range while throwing fruit. If you damage the tail while Bishaten is balancing on it, you have a chance to topple it over for some free hits.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Arzuros Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Arzuros is a simple bear Fanged Beast that loves to hunt for honey and fish. It loves eating honey and fish so much that if anything tries to interrupt it, Arzuros will attack them with extreme prejudice. It will even get into fights with monsters twice its size like the Tetranadon.

Arzuros attacks its enemies by swinging its hardened forearms, ramming itself into them, and choking them in a bear hug. If Arzuros runs out of steam or gets too hungry it will try to find honey to get its strength back. It will try to steal honey from your inventory if you happen to be carrying any.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Lagombi Source: Capcom

Lagombi is a giant rabbit Fanged Beast which lives in snowy areas. Lagombi are normally docile if left alone, but they will attack anything which irritates them enough. When engaging predators in combat, it will dig up big chunks of snow and use them as projectiles or roll them until they turn into giant snowballs. Lagombi can use its smooth belly to slide on icy and snowy surfaces to ram itself into enemies.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Volvidon Source: Capcom

Volvidon is an anteater-armadillo Fanged Beast that resides in desert and volcanic regions to hunt for Neopterons. When it hunts for prey, it attacks by rolling up into a ball to charge into enemies like a bowling ball. It can also spit paralytic saliva to paralyze its prey and prevent them from escaping its claw attacks.

When hunters attack Volvidon, it has a special trick to deal with them. It can unleash a noxious gas that inflict hunters with the Stench status effect. Stench prevents you from using your items by covering them in gross substances. You can clean yourself of Stench by using Deodorant on yourself.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Bombadgy Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Bombadgy is a strange Fanged Beast that looks like an overfed badger. It is the weakest of the Fanged Beasts, and its only form of defense against predators is by blowing itself up. Coursing through its body is a flammable gas that ignites upon getting hit by an attacking hunter or monster. This causes the Bombadgy to explode and fly away like a popped balloon, escaping being eaten.

Unfortunately, the travel distance isn't far and when all the gas is expelled, the Bombadgy's bloated body deflates and becomes helpless for any nearby predator to feast upon. On the bright side, if you're fighting a large monster and there's a Bombadgy nearby, you can use them as improvised rockets by launching them into a large monster's face.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Bullfango Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Bullfango is one of the angriest and aggressive Fanged Beasts in the Monster Hunter series. These giant boars are so bold and territorial that they will fight any monster, including Elder Dragons. Just like Bazelgeuse, it will drop whatever activity it was doing to get stuck into a fight that has broken out nearby.

Bullfangos mainly target hunters, goring them with their sharp tusks to knock them down. It is highly recommended you take out any nearby Bullfangos while hunting monsters. There is a high chance these hog-like monsters will get you killed by interrupting one of your big attacks or knocking you over so a large monster can finish you off.

Snake Wyverns

Snake Wyverns are snake-like monsters that, to this day, only a few of them have been seen. As a result, not much is known about these elusive monsters.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Remobra Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Remobra are flying Snake Wyverns, which primarily reside in mountainous regions. They are scavengers that pick the meat off dead monsters left behind by bigger predators. If Remobra encounter living prey, they attack by spitting poisonous venom or clawing at them.

Remobra aren't considered a threat by themselves, however their presence is regarded as a bad omen. Elder Dragons usually leave behind the bodies which the Remobra scavenge off. So, if you see a flock of Remobra, it may be a sign that an Elder Dragon is nearby.


The Temnocerans are giant arachnid monsters with characteristics reminiscent of a spider. Like the Snake Wyverns, only a few Temnocerans have been encountered so there is very little information regarding these creatures.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Rakna Kadaki Source: Capcom

The Rakna-Kadaki is a frightful Temnoceran whose body is covered head to claw in so much webbing that it looks likes it is wearing a gown. This monster is said to be inspired by Jorōgumo and the Tsuchigumo, spider yōkai that have the ability to shapeshift into woman to deceive unsuspecting men before devouring them. Aside from it's horrific inspiration, what makes this monster scary is that unlike other spiders, it is not afraid of fire. In fact, Rakna-Kadaki live in volcanic regions and can breathe fire on its prey.

If a fire-breathing spider hasn't caused you enough pause for thought yet, then its children will. Rakna-Kadaki carries a giant sac containing its offspring, the Rachnoids, on its back and commands them to trap their prey in webbing so the Rakna-Kadaki can take its time devouring them.

If you get caught in Rakna-Kadaki's or the Rachnoids' webs, you can use a Cleanser to break free. Also, if you destroy the webbing on Rakna-Kadaki's body, you can cause it to fall over and be vulnerable to attack.


Neopterons are insect monsters that are more commonly seen than Temnocerans. These bug monsters come in various shapes and sizes — ranging from small and harmless pests to gargantuan monstrosities whose strength can rival that of a Brute Wyvern.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Altaroth Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Altaroth are small, ant-like Neopterons that feast on fungi and plants. These bugs have a nasty ability to protect themselves from hunters. They can spit a corrosive acid at their attackers, which inflicts the Defence Down status effect. Defense Down severely decreases the defense stats of a hunter's armor to the point where even a hit from a Jaggi can cause lethal damage. Defense Down can be cured by consuming an Adamant Seed or drinking an Armorskin potion.

When an Altaroth has finished eating a mushroom, it will store it in a sac to digest later. If you can slay the Altaroth while its sac is full, you can obtain a Ripened Mushroom. Be warned, Altaroths are incredibly fragile, meaning if you use your primary weapon, you will obliterate the Altaroth, leaving no body to carve. It is recommended you kill the Altaroth with kunai knives or poison bombs to preserve its body for harvesting.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Bnahabra Source: Windows Central / Capcom

Bnahabra are mosquito-like Neopterons that attack humans by paralyzing them with a stinger covered in paralytic venom. It is strongly recommended you take out any Bnahabra in your current vicinity because the last thing you want is to get paralyzed while fighting Magnamalo.

Like the Altaroth, the body of a Bnahabra can be destroyed easily if you use your main weapon on them. So, you will need to slay them with Poison Bombs or kunai knives if you wish to preserve their bodies.

Apex Monsters

At the head of every Rampage horde is an Apex Monster. Apex Monsters were originally regular monsters that have undergone a mysterious mutation that has increased their strength, granted them new moves, and has made them more aggressive. Slaying an Apex Monster will cause the Rampage horde to retreat and save Kamura Village.

Apex Arzuros

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Apex Arzuros Source: Capcom

The Apex Arzuros is the first Apex Monster that hunters will face when they take on The Rampage. The Rampage has taken the honey-guzzling Arzuros and turned it into an unstoppable killing machine. Apex Arzuros is so strong that it can cause tremors when it stomps on the ground and casually throws giant boulders at its prey as if pitching a baseball.

Apex Rathalos

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Apex Rathalos Source: Capcom

The Apex Rathalos is a Rathalos whose fire-producing glands have mutated out of control. As a result, the explosions caused by Apex Rathalos' fireballs can engulf entire forests or regions in flames. Also, the overabundance of fire within the Apex Rathalos has caused it to go berserk from the abject agony it is going through, making its attack patterns unpredictable.

Armor skills that reduce damage taken by fire attacks are highly recommended when hunting an Apex Rathalos. You will also need to keep the Apex Rathalos grounded as much as possible; otherwise, it will rain death upon its foes with a shower of fireballs.

Apex Rathian

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Apex Rathian Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Apex Rathian is a Rathian that has become so poisonous, venom is leaking out of every pore of its body. It can launch toxic spikes out of its tail to impale and poison its prey. The spikes also unleash clouds of poisonous gas everywhere when they land on the ground.

The poison that Apex Rathian inflicts is called Noxious Poison, which can drain your health much faster than regular poison. Antidotes and armor skills that prevent poison are a requirement if you hope to slay this dreadful queen of the land.

Apex Mizutsune

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Apex Mizutsune Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The Apex Mizutsune's mutations have made its water attacks flammable, enabling it to fire water bubbles that burst into flames upon impact. Anything caught by these flames will become afflicted with Hellfireblight, the same status effect that Magnamalo uses.

Apex Mizutsune can conjure a storm of these hellfire bubbles and have them fly around the battlefield to burn all its foes. Careful positioning and mitigating the effects of Hellfireblight will be the key to taking down this Apex Monster.

Apex Diablos

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Apex Diablos Source: Capcom

The Apex Diablos is a Diablos that has lost all sense of self and acts purely on rage. Its malice and hatred are so potent that steam will start pouring out of its body. This steam is dangerous to the touch, so hunters should stay clear once Apex Diablos starts fuming.

Apex Diablos' unrelenting anger has given it the strength to dig underground much more efficiently by flying into the air, then descending to use its horns to drill through the ground. Once it emerges, the steam from its body will explode in all directions, scorching the skin of any unfortunate hunter caught its path.

The Stun Resistance armor skill is recommended during this hunt since Apex Diablos is so monstrously strong, it can potentially stun you in one hit.

Apex Zinogre

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Apex Zinogre Source: Capcom

An Apex Zinogre is a Zinogre that has developed the ability to store enough electricity to give its body a golden aura like Rajang. With its newfound source of strength, Apex Zinogre has become stronger, faster, and can now summon small thunderstorms.

You will need armor skills that prevent paralysis and reduce thunder damage if you wish to stand a chance of defeating Apex Zinogre.

Elder Dragons

Standing on top of the food chain above the rest are the Elder Dragons. These mythical beings aren't just your stereotypical fire-breathing dragons; Elder Dragons can be anything from lions, horses, lizards, and even abyssal sea creatures. What defines an Elder Dragon is their ability to bend nature to their whim. If an Elder Dragon is not quickly dealt with, it could destroy an entire ecosystem and kill every creature living there.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Chameleos Source: Capcom

The Chameleos is a poisonous Elder Dragon that sneaks up on prey by going invisible. It accomplishes this by exhaling a misty cloud that covers an entire region. Its skin then reacts to the mist by refracting light within it and turning its body invisible. Once it has cornered its prey, the Chameleos will reveal itself and strike.

The Chameleos has a deceptive style of fighting — it will attack very slowly with a light smack from its claws and then suddenly move fast to bury its prey in poisonous clouds to catch them off-guard. The Chameleos can steal your items by lashing you with its tongue and it can also crush you flat using its fan-shaped tail. It alternates between moving slowly and quickly, so you must recognize its behavior to stay on your toes.


Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Teostra Source: Capcom

This lion-esque monster is the Teostra, a fire-based Elder Dragon that can warm up an entire ecosystem just from its mere presence. This majestic monster attacks its prey by breathing fire and smacking them with its paws. In addition, Teostra can produce explosive powder from its wings and cover its target in it to induce Blastblight. Blastblight is a status like Hellfireblight — after a short while, or if the victim gets hit by an attack, they will explode and suffer devastating damage. To remove Blastblight, you must roll on the ground to shake it off or use Deodorant.

If Teostra becomes enraged, the explosive powder will start to build up around its body, increasing the damage and range of its fire attacks. Eventually, Teostra will ignite all of the built-up explosive powder to unleash a miniature supernova and eradicate all of its foes. When you see Teostra charging up this attack, get ready to run out of the way or equip the Guard Up armor skill to block the blast.

Kushala Daora

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Kushala Daora Source: Capcom

The Kushala Daora is a steel-skinned Elder Dragon that has the innate power to produce and control tornadoes. It is a vicious Elder Dragon that will use its wind powers to trap its prey with wind pressure.

Kushala Daora's ability to control wind originates from its horns, so if you break them, you can disable its' wind abilities for a moment and bring it down. Hitting the horns will be no easy task because Kushala Daora can protect itself from attackers by generating a wind aura that blows melee fighters away and reflects projectiles.

Wind Serpent Ibushi

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Ibushi Source: Capcom

There exist two legendary, serpentine Elder Dragons, which are said to be the storm and thunder incarnate; the former of these two is the Wind Serpent Ibushi. Ibushi is an otherworldly monster that can control wind using gas produced from his body. However, Ibushi has greater control over wind compared to Kushala Daora, and its tornadoes are so strong, they can rip the earth asunder.

In addition, Ibushi can inflict firing laser beams from its mouth and inflict Dragonblight on his enemies. Dragonblight negates the elemental properties of a hunter's weapon, rendering weapons that deal elemental damage or induce status effects useless. You can cure Dragonblight by eating a Nulberry or prevent it by equipping the Blight Resistance armor skill.

Ibushi's wind-producing sacs keep it afloat, so if you can break them, you can cause Ibushi to fall to the ground. This is a perfect opportunity to attack Ibushi and slay the ungodly beast.

Thunder Serpent Narwa

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Narwa Source: Windows Central / Capcom

The second of these legendary serpentine Elder Dragons is the Thunder Serpent Narwa. In contrast to her mate, Ibushi, a master of wind, Narwa is a master of thunder. The thundersacs within Narwa allow it to generate thunderstorms and fire rings made of pure lightning. Narwa's thundersacs can also generate magnetic fields to keep her afloat and cause any rock containing metal minerals to float in the air.

Hunting Narwa will put your skills with the Wirebug to the ultimate test. You will need to dodge her lightning bolts and use the environment to your advantage to defeat her and save Kamura Village.

Crimson Glow Valstrax

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Crimson Glow Valstrax Source: Capcom

The Valstrax is one of the most complex and fastest Elder Dragons you can possibly hunt. This dragon's source of power comes from generating large amounts of dragon-elemental energy within itself. However, storing too much energy is detrimental, so it releases it via air vents in its wings and chest to keep itself healthy. Valstrax uses the propulsion caused by releasing the energy through its wings to fly at high speeds across the world like a jet.

However, this Valstrax has lost control of its dragon elemental energy and has mutated into a savage variant nicknamed "Crimson Glow Valstrax". This variant has gone mad made from the overflowing Dragon Elemental energy and is attacking anything it sees.

Monster Hunter Rise Monster List Ver2 Crimson Glow Valstrax Source: Capcom

This Elder Dragon attacks its prey by using the dragon-elemental energy stored within it to charge across the battlefield. Crimson Glow Valstrax can also reconfigure the shape of its wings into weapons like spears and cannons that fire lasers. When Crimson Glow Valstrax's anger has reached its breaking point, it will blast off into the stratosphere and then perform a divebomb that will unleash a massive explosion upon impacting the ground like a shooting star.

For all the power Crimson Glow Valstrax may possess, it has one glaring flaw. Occasionally, the amount of dragon-elemental energy will be too much for Crimson Glow Valstrax to bear, so it will need to vent the excess energy from its chest. If you attack Crimson Glow Valstrax's chest to block its vents, the extra energy will build up and explode inside it. Not only will this knock over the Crimson Glow Valstrax, but it will also deal a ton of damage to its innards.

Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

These are the new and returning monsters that hunters will face in the upcoming expansion, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.


Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Malzeno Source: Capcom

Malzeno is the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. Not much is currently known about this Elder Dragon other than its appearence is remiscent of vampires — undead humans that shun the light of day, transform into bats and suck on human blood to sustain their immortality. If Malzeno has abilities similar to the vampires of legend, be sure this dragon doesn't get a grip on your neck.

Shogun Ceanataur

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Shogun Ceanataur Source: Capcom

The Shogun Ceanataur is a large Carapaceon monster. Carapaceons are essentially giant crabs that sometimes use the skulls of dead monsters as shells. The Shogun Ceanataur in particular is one of the more dangerous Carapaceons due to its size and razor sharp claws. It claws are so deadly it can cut right a hunter's armor and inflict the Bleed status effect. This status effect is currently not in Monster Hunter Rise, however if does, it is best you know what it is prepare in case it does.

The Bleed status effect drains your health away anytime you move or attack. In the previous Monster Hunter games, this status effect can be cured by crouching then waiting for Bleed to wear off, or eating a Sushifish Scale (Monster Hunter 4 and Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate) or an Astera Jerky (Monster Hunter World). This status effect is currently not in Monster Hunter Rise, however it is best you learn this status effect now in case Shogun Ceanataur deploys this dirty tactic once more.


Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Lunagaron Source: Capcom

Lunagaron is a Fanged Wyvern that was announced during The Game Awards 2021. Like Malzeno, not much information is currently available for this monster. What we do know is that this wolf-like monster has the ability the transform under the light of the full-moon, akin to Werewolves.

When Lunagaron skin is touched by moonlight, spikes protrude from its back and ice starts covering body. It is safe to assume that this monster will perform ice attacks that will inflict Iceblight, so be sure to Nulberries at the ready.

Do you have what it takes to hunt these monsters?

As you can see, you will have your work cut out for you when Monster Hunter Rise releases on PC. But with preparation, determination, and cunning, you will be able to hunt these monsters down and show them what happens to those who try to invade your home.

The PC version of Monster Hunter Rise is scheduled to release on Jan. 12, 2022. There is also a expansion coming in the summer of 2022 called Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. It will feature a new Master Rank difficulty level, new weapons, new armor, and new monsters to hunt.

In the meantime, there is a free PC demo you can download right now on Steam where you can try out the PC version's new performance upgrades. You can check out our preview of the demo and see why Monster Hunter Rise has a chance of becoming one of the best multiplayer games on PC.

Rise up to slay monsters

Monster Hunter Rise Pc Box Art

Monster Hunter Rise

Save Kamura Village

Gather up your equipment and weapons; it's time to stop The Rampage in Monster Hunter Rise. Hunt down classic monsters like the Rathalos, Diablos, Tigrex, Nargacuga, and Zinogre and challenge brand-new monsters like the Magnamalo, Goss Harag, and the Crimson Glow Valstrax. You can take these mighty beasts solo or with your hunting buddies in 4-player co-op.

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Does the ??? Rathian Tracks Have to Be High Rank


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