Did Skid Die in the Glass Cannon Again
The Drinking glass Cannon Network started as a Pathfinder actual-play podcast starring five über-nerds making their fashion through the Pathfinder Risk Path Giantslayer in a campaign that spans from the Holds of Belkzen to the Mindspin Mountains and beyond. Dramedy abounds as the Role player Characters are pitted against the impending behemothic invasion, and the players confronting a sadistic Game Master with a night and dirty sense of sense of humor. All the shows on the network are notable departures from other prominent entries in the bodily-play genre in their accent of, and adherence to, the mantra of Anyone Can Die.
The network now includes several shows, including a Starfinder podcast chosen Androids and Aliens that features additional cast members.
Troy Lavallee is the Game Master for the primary show and Androids and Aliens, and plays in Raiders of the Lost Continent and Echo Quest Super Dungeon. The others include:
-Grant Berger: Barron Redheart Ashpeake, Orfas Norkim, and Adrial Ashpeake on GCP, Meisyun Vanya and Quallo Misatro on Androids and Aliens;
-Joe O'Brien: Lorc Irontusk, Sir Willimet Keswick, Iv Bears, and Dalgrath Deathbringer on GCP, Dax on Androids and Aliens, and is the Game Principal of Repeat Quest Super Dungeon;
-Matthew Capodicasa: Gormleith Kall, Della Narn, Fairasa al Sayed, and Metra Narn on GCP, Krezka on Androids and Aliens;
-Skid Maher: Gelabrous Finn, Nestor Coyne, Pembroke the Potent, and Jimmer Hardy on GCP, Dr. Friss on Androids and Aliens, and is the Game Master of Raiders of the Lost Continent.
-Elli Dilorenzo: Mac Donovan and Pigi on Androids and Aliens;
-Sydney Amanuel: Callum on Androids and Aliens.
'The Drinking glass Cannon Network' contains examples of:
- The Ace: Barron specifically, Grant more generally. Whether or not he's adulterous somehow is occasionally mentioned.
- Awesome McCoolname: Parodied with Keith Slashmaster and Orphan Puncher.
- Ax-Crazy: Razzmatazz, played completely for laughs.
- Anyone Can Die: Gormleith, Lorc (twice!), Della, Mac, Four Bears, Pembroke, Fairasa, Meisyun... and that's simply PCs!
- Be Careful What Yous Wish For: On Androids and Aliens, the players successfully browbeat Troy into letting them nourish an Eoxian Halloween party that Troy had jokingly mentioned in passing, assuming it would be an amusing farce (Matthew later on mentions having Monster Mash cued up). Instead, they were treated to an entire episode of
Nightmare Fuel. In their defense, Eox had largely been Played for Laughs up to that point, leading to significant justified Mood Whiplash.
- Blood Knight: Orfas.
- Bloody Hilarious: the violent decease of Razzmatazz is played completely, and successfully, for laughs.
- Blood Magic: Della uses infernal healing commonly, and eventually attempts to steal a spell from a deceased enemy spellcaster by drinking a pint of his blood.
- Pembroke isn't above infernal healing either, though he uses information technology much more sparingly.
- Body Horror: in that location'southward a off-white bit in Giantslayer... special mention to the death and reanimation of Orfas. Brandyr likewise, in one case he incorporates parts of Della'southward corpse into his own trunk.
- Breakout Character: Tom Exposition and Razzmatazz, both of whom now have downloadable sound sets on Syrinscape.
- The Bus Came Back: Nestor returns in GCP 243 The Return of the Queen, prisoner in a behemothic camp. he helps the political party escape and returns Barron's long-lost gun Della, with some upgrades.
- Butt-Monkey: Umlo in universe. On Androids and Aliens, Pigi.
- Around the tabular array its Joe, who has a reputation for disquisitional fumbles at climactic moments.
- Because of this, on Androids and Aliens, Dax—he's an alleged "ace airplane pilot" who is often outflown by opponents and is even occasionally benched in favor of the ship's medico, who, hilariously enough, appears to be a superior pilot.
- On Androids and Aliens, Elli has quickly go Troy's favorite punching bag.
- Around the tabular array its Joe, who has a reputation for disquisitional fumbles at climactic moments.
- The Chessmaster: Brandyr, as his influence continues to be revealed.
- The Chosen One: subverted. Fairasa came from Osiria on a quest to find the called one, only to observe that the chosen 1 in question was murdered as a teenager by Lorc. Afterwards played straighter when it turns out that the truthful called one is a version of Gelabrous.
- Cluster F-Flop: Occassionally, only Androids and Aliens eighty: Slow Drama from the Drain gets a special mention for ballsy expletive chains from Elli, Joe, and Skid.
- Conspiracy Theorist: Beary Connick Jr. and Beary Connick Senior.
- Evil Is Not a Toy: eventually, Nestor murders Umlo, steals some loot, and leaves the group.
- Fan Male child: Pembroke to Dalgrath, to the consternation of the other players/characters.
- Heroic Sacrifice: from Androids and Aliens, Mac, who dies with Unfinished Business.
- I Phone call It "Vera": several: Barron has Lawbringer and Della, Nestor has Ol' Jolter, and Jimmer has Terminus Est.
- Insufferable Genius: Young Pembroke.
- From Androids and Aliens, Allbiens 21:ii.
- Jack-of-All-Trades: Umlo ends up multiclassed as a figher/rogue/barbarian/cleric, much to Troy'south irritation.
- "You are making a mockery of this game."
- Jumping Off the Slippery Gradient: Della slides further and farther downwards a dark path and eventually is ruled evil aligned by Troy. She dies before achieving whatsoever redemption, which she didn't seem to call up she needed anyway.
- Kick the Dog: Umlo is killed in battle and resurrected by Brandyr, only to be killed over again later that night by Nestor. Troy later revealed that the resurrection spell was merely a false life spell anyhow.
- Too the decease of Beary Connick Jr..
- Also a quote from Troy, the episode afterward the death of Iv Bears: [give-and-take of IKEA ends] Speaking of things that are poorly made and pause mode too fast...
- Although everyone got in on it, special mention to Troy for his behavior towards Elli during the decease of Tumsey and its aftermath.
- Killer Game Chief: Troy has his moments, including pointedly noting he'due south turning power attack back on even when he knows this could issue in a player character's death.
- Legacy Character: Done in reverse, with Matthew currently playing Metra Narn, Della'south female parent.
- Played straight on Androids and Aliens, where Elli's new character is Mac's girl.
- Line-of-Sight Name: Figimon is an abbreviation for how the moments-ago-generic character appeared on the map.
Nausea Fuel: Originally Quallo'due south schtick before Grapheme Development.
- Never My Fault: Wil refuses to take any responsibility for his fall from grace, blaming Della for her use of infernal magic instead of acknowledging his role in the state of affairs.
- Off with His Head!: A near miss with Lorc, during the offset encounter with Ingrahild.
One-Scene Wonder: Troy excels at these, including JJ the tree, Mama Fats, the beetle spies, Barry Broadfinger, Mary Beardchin.
- Put on a Bus: Gelabrous is hit with a feeblemind spell and taken out of the activeness. Wil and Nestor besides go out the party without dying.
- Ridiculously Human Robots: Dax, per standard Starfinder rules.
- Sitcom Arch-Nemesis: Matthew and Grant effectually the table.
- Sixth Ranger: Sydney arrives in Androids and Aliens 96 Daughter's Transport Down, with a new character named Callum.
- Stable Fourth dimension Loop: Lorc is helping create 1 after being reincarnated equally Silvermane, including setting upward the Vault of Thorns.
- Swallowed Whole: multiple incidents, including Gelabrous and Della.
- This Is Gonna Suck: Joe, as 4 Bears, decides to make a stealth bank check and fails spectacularly:
- Skid, out of character: Umm, would you like an invisibility spell or something?
- Joe: I remember it's a petty tardily for that, Slip.
- Troy, devilishly: Oh, it is.
- Token Evil Teammate: Nestor Coyne. Eventually Della fits this besides, though the state of affairs is more ambiguous.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Della, after the incapacitation of Gelabrous and the influence of Nestor.
- Unusual Euphemism: HUMMUS AND CHIPS!!
- Vitriolic Best Buds: Troy and Joe effectually the table; Troy specifically goes out of his way to antagonize him.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Iv Bears, who dies shortly after his introduction.
- Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?: defied by Barron, who summarily executes Skreed when he tries to escape.
"You lose your face bonus to... shut up."
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Podcast/TheGlassCannonPodcast
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